Custom Retreats
Dwell offers customizable retreats for women on a beautiful, serene campus located off the busy road of life.
Customizable Retreat options with a guided Dwell Schedule:
- Dwell for the Day – 6-hour experience
- Dwell for the Night – full day, night + morning experience
- Dive in and Dwell – two two-night experience
- Extended Dwell Retreat- 5-night experience
Guided Dwell Schedule includes:
- Phone, facetime, or face-to-face conversation prior to the retreat to get to know the women who will be attending
- Planned itinerary for all women which will include activities all around the campus
- Individual space to dwell with self
Examples: guided nature trail walk, time on the dock, cozy chair time, yoga/mindfulness activity - Space with friends to dwell with others
Examples: Meal times, exercise class, wine tasting, shared spaces, fireplace connections, friend celebrations - Individual/Group time to Dwell with God
Examples: Morning/Evening devotionals, journaling time, outdoor enjoyment, guided questions to talk through together
These retreats are custom designed with a specific purpose, and we know you will be thankful you came to dwell with us!